Title: Afterlives of Cities (After Warracknabeal Courthouse)
Work: Furniture Design & Installation Art
Location: Warracknabeal
Date: 2021

Afterlives Coffee Table & Bed Heads + Almanac

In Western Victoria, in the heart of the state’s grain growing Wimmera region, is the town of Warracknabeal. This town is less populous than it once was. And yet, with some considerate and enlivening design interventions, as well as some ongoing support, the town’s greatest years may well be ahead of it. 

As part of their project, the Afterlives of Cities team (Tom Morgan, Matthew Bird, Charity Edwards and Jason Crow) are working with Working Heritage to turn Warracknabeal’s old courthouse into an artist residency and community space. This offers the town an ‘afterlife’; it also highlights the sites of the region as potential sites for civic creative practice.

I designed and built a bedhead for each of the two bedrooms, and a coffee table for the main hall. These items of furniture were made using a fingerprint-like patterned steel tile. They also relied on the assistance of Matt and Tom.

In addition, with Matt, I designed and produced an installation entitled Almanac. It’s made of lengths of irrigation pipe, cable ties, shade cloth, weld mesh sheets, and washers. 

